Gallery of Fluid Motion

Gallery of Fluid Motion • Topological collapse of a Möbius soap film Topological transition of a Möbius soap film that develops rapidly a twist fold singularity as changes from a one-sided film surface to a two-sided film surface. • Topological dynamics of quantum vortex knots and links Direct numerical simulation of the interaction and reconnection … Continue reading

23/11/2023 Video Lectures

Advanced Courses Video Lectures

School Courses • Riemann, Topology and Physics (2 lectures; 2024) Two lectures given for the doctoral course “Interdisciplinary Frontiers in Theoretical Physics” held at the Beijing University of Technology (BJUT). • Elements of Topological Vortex Dynamics (5 lectures; 2023) An advanced summer school course held at the Institut d’Études Scientifiques de Cargèse. • An Introduction … Continue reading

03/07/2023 Video Lectures

Elements of Topological Vortex Dynamics

(5 lectures; 2023) Lecture 1: Kelvin’s Topological Vortex Dynamics Lecture 2: Helicity and Linking Numbers Lecture 3: From Linking Numbers to Vortex Torus Knots Lecture 4: De-Singularisation of the Biot-Savart Law and Vortex Reconnection Lecture 5: On Vortex Reconnection and Topological Cascade of Vortex Knots… Continue reading

03/07/2023 Video Lectures