Articles in Primary Journals and Refereed Volumes
Scientific papers – click on hyperlink to download published version (PDF)
85 – Ricca, R.L. (2025) Topological fluid dynamics and knotted fields.In Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics (ed. R. Szabo & M. Bojowald) 4, pp. 245-255. Academic Press (2nd edition).
84 – Ricca, R.L., Foresti, M. & Liu, X. (2024) Multi-valued potentials in topological field theory. In Knotted Fields (ed. R.L. Ricca & X. Liu), pp. 109-139. Lecture Notes in Mathematics 2344. Springer-Nature, Switzerland.
83 – Liu, X., Ricca, R.L. & Guan, H. (2024) A topological approach to vortex knots and links. In Knotted Fields (ed. R.L. Ricca & X. Liu), pp. 1-36. Lecture Notes in Mathematics 2344. Springer-Nature, Switzerland.
82 – Tubiana, L., Ricca, R.L., et al. (2024) Topology in soft and biological matter. Physics Reports 1075, 1-137.
81 – Ricca, R.L. & Liu, X. (2023) A new framework for the Jones polynomial of fluid knots. J. Knot Theory & Its Ram. 2340024.
80 – Belloni, A. & Ricca, R.L. (2023) On the zero helicity condition for quantum vortex defects. J. Fluid Mech. 963, R2.
79 – Foresti, M. & Ricca, R.L. (2022) Instability of a quantum vortex by twist perturbation. J. Fluid Mech. 949, A19.
78 – Zuccher, S. & Ricca, R.L. (2022) Creation of quantum knots and links driven by minimal surfaces. J. Fluid Mech. 942, A8.
77 – Roitberg, A. & Ricca, R.L. (2021) Hydrodynamic derivation of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation in general Riemannian metric. J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 54, 315201.
76 – Sumners, De W.L., Cruz-White, I.I. & Ricca, R.L. (2021) Zero helicity of Seifert framed defects. J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 54, 295203.
75 – Liu, X., Ricca, R.L. & Li, X-F. (2020) Minimal unlinking pathways as geodesics in knot polynomial space. Comm. Physics 3, 136.
74 – Guan, H., Zuccher, S., Ricca, R.L. & Liu, X. (2020) Topological fluid mechanics and its new developments. (In Chinese). Scientia Sinica Phys. Mech. Astron. 50, 054701.
73 – Foresti, M. & Ricca, R.L. (2020) Hydrodynamics of a quantum vortex in the presence of twist. J. Fluid. Mech. 904, A25.
72 – Zuccher, S. & Ricca, R.L. (2019) Momentum of vortex tangles by weighted area information. Phys. Rev. E 100, 011101(R).
71 – Oberti, C. & Ricca, R.L. (2019) Influence of winding number on vortex knots dynamics. Sci. Rep. 9, 17284.
70 – Foresti, M. & Ricca, R.L. (2019) Defect production by pure phase twist injection as Aharonov-Bohm effect. Phys. Rev. E 100, 023107.
69 – Ricca, R.L. & Maggioni, F. (2018) Groundstate energy spectra of knots and links: magnetic versus bending energy. In New Directions in Geometric and Applied Knot Theory (ed. S. Blatt, P. Reiter & A. Schikorra), pp. 276-288. OA Measure Theory, De Gruyter, Basel.
68 – Zuccher, S. & Ricca, R.L. (2018) Twist effects in quantum vortices and phase defects. Fluid Dyn. Res. 50, 011414.
67 – Oberti, C. & Ricca, R.L. (2018) Energy and helicity of magnetic torus knots and braids. Fluid Dyn. Res. 50, 011413.
66 – Ricca, R.L. & Liu, X. (2018) HOMFLYPT polynomial is the best quantifier for topological cascades of vortex knots. Fluid Dyn. Res. 50, 011404.
65 – Zuccher, S. & Ricca, R.L. (2017) Relaxation of twist helicity in the cascade process of linked quantum vortices. Phys. Rev. E 95, 053109.
64 – Oberti, C. & Ricca, R.L. (2017) Induction effects of torus knots and unknots. J. Phys A: Math Theor. 50, 365501.
63 – Oberti, C. & Ricca, R.L. (2016) On torus knots and unknots. J. Knot Theory & Its Ramif. 25, 1650036.
62 – Liu, X. & Ricca, R.L. (2016) Knots cascade detected by a monotonically decreasing sequence of values. Sci. Rep. 6, 24118.
61 – Ricca, R.L. (2015) Vortex Knot Cascade in Polynomial Skein Relations. In Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics ICNAAM 2015 (ed. T. Simos & C. Tsitouras), pp. 150002-1-4. AIP Conf. Proc. 1738, AIP Publishing.
60 – Zuccher, S. & Ricca, R.L. (2015) Helicity conservation under quantum reconnection of vortex rings. Phys. Rev. E 92, 061001.
59 – Liu, X. & Ricca, R.L. (2015) Helicity conservation under quantum reconnection of vortex rings. J. Fluid Mech. 773, 4-48.
58 – Laing, C.E., Ricca, R.L. & Sumners, De W.L. (2015) Conservation of writhe helicity under anti-parallel reconnection. Sci. Rep. 5, 9224.
57 – Ricca, R.L. & Maggioni, F. (2014) On the groundstate energy spectrum of magnetic knots and links. J. Phys. A: Math. & Theor. 47, 205501.
56 – Ricca, R.L. & Liu, X. (2014) The Jones polynomial as a new invariant of topological fluid dynamics. Fluid Dyn. Res. 46, 061412.
55 – Ricca, R.L. (2014) Structural complexity of vortex flows by diagram analysis and knot polynomials. In How Nature Works , (ed. I. Zelinka et al.), pp. 81-100. Emergence, Complexity and Computation 5. Springer-Verlag.
54 – Maggioni F., Alamri S.Z., Barenghi C.F. & Ricca R.L. (2013) Vortex knots dynamics in Euler fluids. In Topological Fluid Dynamics: Theory and Applications (ed. H.K. Moffatt et al.), pp. 29-38. Procedia IUTAM 7. Elsevier.
53 – Liu, X. & Ricca, R.L. (2013) Tackling fluid structures complexity by the Jones polynomial. In Topological Fluid Dynamics: Theory and Applications (ed. H.K. Moffatt et al.), pp. 175-182. Procedia IUTAM 7. Elsevier.
52 – Ricca, R.L. (2013) Impulse of vortex knots from diagram projections. In Topological Fluid Dynamics: Theory and Applications (ed. H.K. Moffatt et al.), pp. 21-28. Procedia IUTAM 7. Elsevier.
51 – Ricca, R.L. (2013) New energy lower bounds for knotted and braided magnetic fields. Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dyn. 107, 385-402.
50 – Liu, X. & Ricca, R.L. (2012) The Jones’ polynomial for fluid knots from helicity. J. Phys. A: Math. & Theor. 45, 205501.
49 – Ricca, R.L. (2012) Tackling fluid tangles complexity by knot polynomials. In Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics ICNAAM 2012 (ed. T. Simos & C. Tsitouras), pp. 646-649. AIP Conf. Proc. 1479. AIP Publishing.
48 – Ricca, R.L. (2012) On simple energy–complexity relations for filament tangles and networks. Complex Systems 20, 195-204.
47 – Ricca, R.L. (2011) Energy-complexity relations by structural complexity methods. In Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics ICNAAM 2011 AIP Conf. Proc. 1389, 962-964.
46 – Ricca, R.L. & Nipoti, B. (2011) Derivation and interpretation of the Gauss linking number. In Introductory Lectures on Knot Theory. (ed. L.H. Kauffman, S. Lambropoulou, S. Jablan, J.H. Przytycki), pp. 482-501. Series on Knots and Everything 46. World Scientific.
45 – Ricca, R.L. & Nipoti, B. (2011) Gauss’ linking number revisited. J. Knot Theory & Its Ram. 20, 1325-1343.
44 – Maggioni, F., Alamri, S.Z., Barenghi, C.F. & Ricca, R.L. (2010) Velocity, energy and helicity of vortex knots and unknots. Phys. Rev. E 82, 26309-26317.
43 – Goldstein, R.E., Moffatt, H.K., Pesci, A.I. & Ricca, R.L. (2010) Soap film Möbius strip changes topology with a twist singularity. Proc. Natnl. Acad. Sci. USA 107, 21979-21984.
42 – Maggioni, F. & Ricca, R.L. (2009) On the groundstate energy of tight knots. Proc. R. Soc. A 465, 2761-2783.
41 – Maggioni, F., Alamri, S.Z., Barenghi, C.F. & Ricca, R.L. (2009) Kinetic energy of vortex knots and unknots. Nuovo Cimento C 32, 133-142.
40 – Ricca, R.L. (2009) New developments in topological fluid mechanics. Nuovo Cimento C 32, 185-192.
39 – Ricca, R.L. (2009) Detecting structural complexity: from visiometrics to genomics and brain research. In Mathknow (ed. M. Emmer & A. Quarteroni), pp. 167-181. Springer-Verlag.
38 – Ricca, R.L. (2009) Structural complexity and dynamical systems. In Lectures on Topological Fluid Mechanics (ed. R.L. Ricca), pp. 169-188. Springer-CIME Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1973. Springer-Verlag.
37 – Ricca, R.L. (2008) Momenta of a vortex tangle by structural complexity analysis. Physica D 237, 2223-2227.
36 – Ricca, R.L. & Maggioni, F. (2008) Multiple folding and packing in DNA modeling. Comp. & Math. with Appl. 55, 1044-1053.
35 – Ricca, R.L. (2008) Topology bounds energy of knots and links. Proc. R. Soc. A 464, 293-300.
34 – Maggioni, F. & Ricca, R.L. (2007) DNA supercoiling modeling of nucleosome and viral spooling. Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 7, 2120011-2120012.
33 – Ricca, R.L. & Maggioni, F. (2007) A new stretch-twist-fold model for fast dynamo. Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 7, 2100051-2100052.
32 – Maggioni, F. & Ricca, R.L. (2006) Writhing and coiling of closed filaments. Proc. R. Soc. London A 462, 3151-3166.
31 – Maggioni, F. & Ricca, R.L. (2006) Twist and fold modeling of supercoiled filaments. In Aplimat ’06 (ed. M. Covàcovà), pp. 123-130, Slovak U. of Tech., Bratislava.
30 – Ricca, R.L. (2005) Inflexional disequilibrium of magnetic flux tubes. Fluid Dyn. Res. 36, 319-332.
29 – Ricca, R.L. (2005) Structural complexity. In Encyclopedia of Nonlinear Science (ed. A. Scott), pp. 885-887. Routledge, New York and London.
28 – Ricca, R.L. (2005) Knot theory. In Encyclopedia of Nonlinear Science (ed. A. Scott), pp. 499-501. Routledge, New York and London.
27 – Barenghi, C.F., Ricca, R.L. & Samuels, D.C. (2002) Complexity measures of tangled vortex filaments. In Tubes, Sheets and Singularities in Fluid Dynamics (ed. K. Bajer & H.K. Moffatt), pp. 69-74. NATO ASI Series, Kluwer.
26 – Ricca, R.L. (2002) Energy, helicity and crossing number relations for complex flows. In Tubes, Sheets and Singularities in Fluid Dynamics (ed. K. Bajer & H.K. Moffatt), pp. 139-144. NATO ASI Series, Kluwer.
25 – Ricca, R.L. (2001) Tropicity and complexity measures for vortex tangles. In Quantized Vortex Dynamics and Superfluid Turbulence (ed. C.F. Barenghi et al.), pp. 366-372. Springer Lecture Notes in Physics 571, Springer-Verlag.
24 – Ricca, R.L. (2001) Geometric and topological aspects of vortex motion. In An Introduction to the Geometry and Topology of Fluid Flows (ed. R.L. Ricca), pp. 203-228. NATO ASI Series II 47, Kluwer.
23 – Barenghi, C.F., Ricca, R.L. & Samuels, D.C. (2001) How tangled is a tangle? Physica D 157, 197-206.
22 – Ricca, R.L. (2000) Knots and braids on the Sun. In Science and Art Symposium 2000 (ed. A. Gyr et al.), pp. 263-268. Kluwer.
21 – Ricca, R.L. (2000) Towards a complexity measure theory for vortex tangles. In Knots in Hellas `98 (ed. C. McA. Gordon et al.), pp. 361-379. Series on Knots and Everything 24, World Scientific.
20 – Barenghi, C.F., Ricca, R.L. & Samuels, D.C. (1999) Evolution of vortex knots. J. Fluid Mech. 391, 29-44.
19 – Barenghi, C.F., Ricca, R.L. & Samuels, D.C. (1998) Vortex knots. In Advances in Turbulence VII (ed. U. Frisch), pp. 369-372. Kluwer.
18 – Ricca, R.L. (1998) New developments in topological fluid mechanics: from Kelvin’s vortex knots to magnetic knots. In Ideal Knots (ed. A. Stasiak et al.), pp. 255-273. Series on Knots and Everything 19, World Scientific.
17 – Ricca, R.L. (1998) Applications of knot theory in fluid mechanics. In Knot Theory (ed. V.F.R. Jones et al.), pp. 321-346. Banach Center Publs. 42, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw.
16 – Barenghi, C.F., Ricca, R.L. & Samuels, D.C. (1998) Quantized vortex knots. J. Low Temp. Physics 110, 509-514.
15 – Ricca, R.L. (1997) Evolution and inflexional instability of twisted magnetic flux tubes. Solar Physics 172, 241-248.
14 – Ricca, R.L. (1996) Minimum energy configurations of a twisted flexible string under elastic relaxation.. In ZAMM ICIAM/GAMM 95 (ed. E. Kreuzer & O. Mahrenholtz), pp. 421-422. Applied Sciences (Contributed Papers) 5. Akademie Verlag, Berlin.
13 – Ricca, R.L. & Berger, M.A. (1996) Topological ideas and fluid mechanics. Phys. Today 49 (12), 24-30. [Also in: (1997) Parity 10, 20-28]
12 – Ricca, R.L. (1996) The contributions of Da Rios and Levi-Civita to asymptotic potential theory and vortex filament dynamics. Fluid Dyn. Res. 18, 245-268.
11 – Ricca, R.L. (1995) Geometric and topological aspects of vortex filament dynamics under LIA. In Small Scale Structures in Three-Dimensional Hydro- and Magnetohydro-dynamics Turbulence (ed. M. Meneguzzi et al.), pp. 99-104. Lecture Notes in Physics 462. Springer-Verlag.
10 – Ricca, R.L. (1995) The energy spectrum of a twisted flexible string under elastic relaxation. J. Phys. A: Math. & Gen. 28, 2335-2352.
9 – Ricca, R.L. (1994) Writhe and twist helicity contributions to an isolated magnetic flux tube and hammock configuration. In Poster Papers Presented at the VII European Meeting on Solar Physics (ed. G. Belvedere et al.), pp. 151-154. Catania Astrophys. Observatory, Catania.
8 – Ricca, R.L. (1994) The effect of torsion on the motion of a helical vortex filament. J. Fluid Mech. 273, 241-259.
7 – Ricca, R.L. (1993) Torus knots and polynomial invariants for a class of soliton equations. Chaos 3, 83-91. [(1995) Erratum. Chaos 5, 346.]
6 – Moffatt, H.K. & Ricca, R.L. (1992) Helicity and the Calugareanu invariant. Proc. R. Soc. London A 439, 411-429. [Also in: (1995) Knots and Applications (ed. L.H. Kauffman), pp. 251-269. World Scientific.]
5 – Ricca, R.L. (1992) Physical interpretation of certain invariants for vortex filament motion under LIA. Physics of Fluids A 4, 938-944.
4 – Moffatt, H.K. & Ricca, R.L. (1992) The helicity of a knotted vortex filament. In Topological Aspects of the Dynamics of Fluids and Plasmas (ed. H.K. Moffatt et al.), pp. 225-236. Kluwer.
3 – Moffatt, H.K. & Ricca, R.L. (1991) Interpretation of invariants of the Betchov-Da Rios equations and of the Euler equations. In The Global Geometry of Turbulence (ed. J. Jimènez), NATO ASI B 268, pp. 257-264. Plenum Press.
2 – Ricca, R.L. (1991) Rediscovery of Da Rios equations. Nature 352, 561-562.
1 – Ricca, R.L. (1991) Intrinsic equations for the kinematics of a classical vortex string in higher dimensions. Phys. Rev. A 43, 4281-4288.